Charles B. Unger

(213) 215-5837 Cell,




   Charles, a USC film grad, has directed and produced three feature films, over twenty music videos and over ten live-action and animated short films. He’s taught filmmaking at several universities and colleges and works professionally as an editor, in the Motion Picture Editor’s Guild.


     By the time Charlie had graduated from New York’s La Guardia High School of Music and Art, he had already completed several stop-motion animation films. The Rebels Strike Back is featured in the Star Wars documentary The People Vs. George Lucas. Charlie followed his dream to southern California and graduated from the USC Film School.  Soon afterward, he entered into the Motion Picture Editor’s Guild and worked on over twenty films and TV shows, as an editor or assistant editor. Charlie directed his first feature film, Mr. Lucke in the late nineties and it received incredible exposure due to the instant celebrity of its female star, Jerri Manthey of Survivor 2 fame, who also had posed for Playboy.  Mr. Lucke was profiled on Entertainment Tonight, and E! News Daily.  Entertainment Weekly reviewed it and praised the “slick” style of the film.  It is now available on Amazon, Snagfilms, and Renderyard/YouTube. Charlie returned to editing while he was in post-production with his second feature, Come Together.  He was the main editor on Shatner in Concert and Farrah’s Story. The NBC TV documentary about Farrah Fawcett’s fight with cancer was the highest-rated prime-time documentary of 2009.  Soon after this, Indican Pictures distributed Charlie’s sexy comedy Come Together on DVD, VOD, iTunes, Amazon, etc.  His second feature is also available in foreign territories, such as Australia, Germany, the UK, Indonesia, Israel, and Thailand.  It was chosen as a PLATINUM REEL AWARD WINNER at The Nevada Film Festival and received a SILVER ACE AWARD WINNER from the Las Vegas Film Festival.  The script was selected as a finalist in the Latino Screenplay Competition.  Since then, Charlie has written more screenplays and directed over twenty music videos.  Charlie has also been working with his wife Paula, on their animated franchise called the Punky Pets.  They were official sponsors of the Vans Warped Tour and have exhibited at Comic-con.  Their latest animated short; Playing Party Politics premiered at the Short Film Corner at the Cannes Film Festival in 2014.  In addition to making films, Charlie has taught filmmaking at over six colleges and Universities including SMU, National University, and Mt. San Antonio College.  Charlie recently edited a TV Pilot Sitcom; Hostel Chicago, and it will premiere at the Playhouse West film festival later this year. Charlie is now in post-production on his third feature film called My Apocalyptic Thanksgiving. Charlie’s new script Who’s Behind the Door was recently selected as a Semi-Finalist in the Circus Road Screenplay Contest.